If You Can Read This You Have An Exceptionally Powerful Brain
If You Can Read This You Have An Exceptionally Powerful Brain
Can you pass the ultimate scrambled reading test??
Can you pass the ultimate scrambled reading test??
What does the highlighted word say?
What about this highlighted word?
Too easy? How about this highlighted word?
You are a word wonder!!
You are a word wonder!!
Wow!! Your mind is so impressive that it can read anyway you look! It can even read sentences that contain mixed up words and sentences that are upside down!!
You almost passed!
You almost passed!
Your brain is working in full force!! It is clearly determined to nail this word quiz and it is so close to reading all the words correctly!! You only missed a few words but with some extra reading practice, your brain will be a word god in no time!!
You failed!
You failed!
Oh no! Your brain hasn't quite grasped the concept of reading in various ways! Not to fear!! This skill can definitely be mastered! Keep on exercising your brain muscles and you will be a word scrambling master in no time!!