What Kind Of Wizard Are You?

Well, we have all seen at least one movie in which there is an epic wizard. Wouldn't it be awesome to become one? Let's see who YOU would become!

Jason Foerschner
Created by Jason Foerschner(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 21, 2016

First of all, describe yourself.

You'd have to own a magic item. What would it be?

Outfit colour.

Let's assume that your magic abilities betrayed you.
What wepon would you use?

What is your opinion about war?

What from the following would you prefer to be?

The Wise

The Wise

The Warrior

The Warrior

The Leader

The Leader

The Evil

The Evil

The Mysterious

The Mysterious

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