Which Batman Villain Are You?
Which Batman Villain Are You?
Find out which criminal of Gotham city you are most like!
Find out which criminal of Gotham city you are most like!

Do you have a hobby?
Describe your style with one word:
Someone screws you over BIG TIME-- what do you do?!
What is your best physical feat of strength?
Weapon of choice?
Which is most important to you?
Screw rainbows! Black or white?
Which do you value most?
Got any pet peeves?
Spirit animal?
You are Catwoman. Feisty and ferocious, you can kick butt and take names, though you would never truly try to harm someone-- you have a strong moral code. You tend to walk the line when it comes to being a villain/hero. You just like pretty things after all, what's so bad about that?
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn
You are Harley Quinn. With a desire to help others before yourself, you are constantly forgetting to look out for "numbah 1". Sometimes your love for others can become an unhealthy obsession, but you are not without your charms. Perky and loveable, even if you are a bit crazy!
You are the Penguin. Let's face it, power and money excite you! You want nothing more than to be the big cheese and will stop at nothing to attain your goals. Can appear quite cruel in your methods, but you're just really ambitious! You also like to take pride in your style and appearance. Crime can be classy too, ya know?
You are the Joker. The clown prince of crime, you are very dedicated to your craft and... uh...you know what? I really can't think of anything nice to say. To put it bluntly, you're f@#$ing crazy! Sadistic and chaotic you will stop at nothing to defeat your adversaries while murder and mayhem bring a big, fat grin to your face.
You are the Riddler. You consider yourself to be quite the "whiz kid". You were probably in the top percentile of your class, and you prefer brains over brawn as your weapon of choice. Those who challenge you to a match of wits are sure to fail miserably. That was a fun quiz-- what's next? Crosswords? Sudoku?
Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze
You are Mr. Freeze. Your coldness stems from your insecurities and a sense of guilt that you carry, caused by ghosts from your past. The perfect mix of brains, artillery and brawn, you make quite the adversary, even if your people skills are sometimes lacking. Who needs allies anyway when you can freeze them solid with one shot!
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
You are Poison Ivy. You believe in the rights of beings that are traditionally considered below humans on the food chain. You are very passionate not only about your noble causes, but also in your general demeanor and approach to handling enemies. Sensuality and seduction are some of your strongest assets and you know how to put them to good to use ;)
Two Face
Two Face
You are Two Face. Oddly enough, for a criminal you have a strong attachment to the idea of justice, maybe TOO strong, but you are jaded by the corruption you see all around you in the world. This leads you to be indecisive when it comes to major decisions, and you prefer to determine outcomes by the flip of a coin, even if the result hurts you more than it does your enemies.