30 Signs You Are A True Ringer
30 Signs You Are A True Ringer
30 ways to tell you are a true Lord of the Rings/Hobbit fan!
30 ways to tell you are a true Lord of the Rings/Hobbit fan!

You will never see a plain old wedding ring the same way again.
Seeing a Ring, thinking: "Could that be it? It is the One? I should steal it while they're sleeping and throw it in the fire? What if it is the One? Should I take it to Mordor? Of course! Ok, I must be Frodo then if I'm the Ring bearer. Who will be Sam, Merry Pippin, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, Gandalf and Boromir?
You know 'Evil Eye' doesn't even begin to describe Sauron.
My friend: Look! We both drew an evil eye!
Me: This isn't an evil eye. This is Sauron. He is the darkest, most terrible force in Middle-earth with unbelievable dark powers. He tricked all of the races of by giving them rings... [continues to describe Sauron]
My friend: Soo... an evil eye.