Which "Electra Heart" Song Are You?
Which "Electra Heart" Song Are You?
Are you living in The State of Dreaming or the Valley of the Dolls?
Are you living in The State of Dreaming or the Valley of the Dolls?

Which Outfit Would You Love to Wear Someday?
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Choose the Career of Your Choice
What Are You Most Afraid Of?
Which Lyric From "The Family Jewels" Really Speaks to You?
Which Lyric From "Froot" Really Speaks to You?
Which Era Is Your Favorite?
What's Your Favorite TV Show?
Who is Your Favorite Movie/Book Heroine?
What Is Your Favorite Marina Look?
And Finally, Which Unreleased Marina Song Is Your Favorite?
Valley of the Dolls
Valley of the Dolls
Though you seem to be one person on the outside, on the inside you feel like you're stuck in a valley of multiple egos of whom you have to choose from. You're always so nervous about what others think of you, but you just need to let loose, you're not going back to zero any time soon!
The State of Dreaming
The State of Dreaming
You're a dreamer who expects so much out of the world and sees so much good in it, but only gets small, bad things back from it. Though there always is hope in this world, and you for sure are going to get it! Keep on living your life inside a dream, only waking when you sleep, because soon you'll have it all!
You were born having it all, and intend for it to stay that way. You're determined to keep yourself on top, and though a little self absorbed and hungry for glory, you always keep your best interests at heart. Keep on fighting to stay in that limelight!
Power & Control
Power & Control
You're very outspoken, strong, and will do anything to fight for equality for everyone. All you crave in life is a perfect balance of power and control, but when things don't go your way, you get very defensive. Just remember that when people doubt you, a human vulnerability doesn't mean that you are weak!
Fear and Loathing
Fear and Loathing
You've recently gone through a tough time. You haven't really talked to many people and have just been stuck in the dark for a while. Though it has made you stronger, you're still getting used to the fact that your entire life doesn't need to be filled with hatred and sadness. Just remember to take a step forward, because now the sky is clear of fear!
Just admit it: you love to party. All you want is to get away from everyone and dance your life away, but you have a void in your heart that can only be filled with love. Though love is all that you fear, you still need it. You find it hard to open up to others, but you know what you want in love, yet you're just a little too scared now to try it. Remember to take risks and to feel like neon gold every day!
Teen Idle
Teen Idle
You tend to regret everything you've done or haven't done in the past, and you really just wish you could do it all over. Sometimes you forget there's a whole future in front of you, and you drive yourself into a deep despair. Just remember that you have so much ahead of you, and that the past is in the past! The day has come where you have died, only to find you've come alive.
How to Be A Heartbreaker
How to Be A Heartbreaker
You know exactly what you want in life. You want all love and happiness, but without getting hurt at the same time. You're so afraid that your heart is gonna break that you pretend to be someone else, only to realize that you are the best version of you that you could ever be! Don't be afraid of falling any longer, find that someone and stay with them, you CAN risk losing in love again!