10 Years Later: How Well Do You Remember The Departed?

10 years ago Martin Scorsese released The Departed. How well do you remember this thrilling crime drama?

Jin Stevens
Created by Jin Stevens
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 15

The movie takes place in which State?

2 / 15

Billy _____ is recruited by the police to work undercover.

3 / 15

Who was Sullivan actually working for?

4 / 15

This is Sean Dignam, and he is a _____ with the state police department.

5 / 15

Billy does time in prison on a fake _____ charge to improve his credibility.

6 / 15

Who does Madolyn Madden work for?

7 / 15

Which gangster turns out to be an FBI informant?

8 / 15

Who ends up shooting Frank Costello?

9 / 15

How do the gangsters kill Police Captain Queenan?

10 / 15

Sullivan learns that Costello is an informant from ...

11 / 15

How does Madolyn find out Sullivan is a mole?

12 / 15

Billy realizes that Sullivan is his enemy when he sees Costello's _____ on Sullivan's desk.

13 / 15

Who does Sullivan identify as the mole in order to cover himself?

14 / 15

Billy is posthumously given what medal?

15 / 15

Who kills Sullivan in the end?

Questions left
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