Can We Guess What Your Type Is In 10 Questions?

It's crazy accurate.

Created by EX.CO (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Nov 5, 2015

How long have you been single for?

Tea or Coffee?

What were your best subjects at school?

What is your biggest turn on?

What's the first thing you'll do once you move in with your partner?

Do you believe in destiny?

Which TV couple has the perfect relationship?

Which is the most romantic season?

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Would you rather give up sex or food?

Someone Creative

Someone Creative

You’re looking for someone who expresses themselves creatively. You’re drawn to people who have a creative soul, like musicians, artists, writers and photographers. You don’t like being stuck in the 9-5, boring rut of conventional life - you are happiest when you are with someone who inspires you to fulfill your own creative potential.

Someone Ambitious

Someone Ambitious

Your type is someone who is ambitious - you fancy people who are incredibly successful - who set goals, and achieve them. You have pretty firm plans for your life and you need someone who can keep up with you. You thrive in a relationship where you encourage each other to keep being the very best you can be.

Someone Family-Oriented

Someone Family-Oriented

It is incredibly important to you that the person you love is as family-oriented as you are. Your family are your best friends, and you see half the fun of a marriage in joining two families together. To you, dating someone who cares about their family means you are guaranteed a partner who is loving, generous and loyal - three traits you value highly.

Someone Intellectual

Someone Intellectual

You’re attracted to brains and intelligence. You like someone who can carry a conversation, who thinks about the world and who is highly cultured. Nothing is sexier than an evening spent lost in hours of conversation with your partner, and you love being with someone who can teach you something new every day.

Bad Boy / Girl

Bad Boy / Girl

You want a life that’s full of excitement, so you’re attracted to the daredevil, risk-taker. There’s a certain mischievous glint in someone’s eye that you’re immediately drawn to because you like to flirt with danger. You get bored easily so dating somebody who keeps you on your toes is the surest way to make sure you stay interested.

Someone devoted

Someone devoted

All you want from your partner is someone who is utterly devoted to you and your relationship together. You’re happiest with someone who is gentle and considerate and who props you up throughout all life’s hardships. You’re not looking for fireworks and passionate drama, you want quiet contentment and a loving happy ever after.

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