What RWBY character are you most like?

NOTE: Due to limitations in the amount of possible results, this quiz only contains the members of teams RWBY and JNPR. Look for more later!

Created by Harrisburg (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 23, 2016

How do you prefer to fight?

One of your friends is being bullied. Do

What role do you play in your friend group?

How do you look for a teammate?

How do you get dates?

Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose

You got Ruby! Although you can be a bit reckless and naive, you are a good friend who is friendly and accepting of almost anyone.

Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

You got Weiss! Despite the fact that you can be a bit of a jerk, you still have a kind heart and can be a little insecure.

Blake Belladona

Blake Belladona

You got Blake! You tend to be quiet, even when something is troubling you. However, you have a strong sense of morals and are a loyal friend.

Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long

You got Yang! Reckless and a bit (or a lot) hotheaded, you are also a caring friend who may or may not have a tendency to make bad puns.

Jaune Arc

Jaune Arc

You got Jaune! You may be a little incompetent, but you are a very loyal person who keeps your promises and protects your friends.

Pyrrha Nikos

Pyrrha Nikos

You got Pyrrha! You are friendly, kind and strong, but can be lonely because of the pedestal others put you on.

Nora Valkyrie

Nora Valkyrie

You got Nora! Crazy and Carefree, you are always lighthearted and can be a little violent, but remain playful.

Lie Ren

Lie Ren

You got Ren! Quiet and withdrawn, you don't talk much, but are kind and likable anyway.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021