Can you get more than 15/20 in this "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" quiz?
Can you get more than 15/20 in this "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" quiz?
How well do you really know The Gang?
How well do you really know The Gang?
What is the name of the show's very first episode?
What colour is the spray paint Charlie has been huffing when he invents the "Dayman" song?
What does the second "N" stand for in Dennis' "D.E.N.N.I.S. System"?
In "Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense", who ends up being made to pay to have Dennis' car cleaned?
In "Mac and Dennis: Manhunters", Frank makes Dee and Charlie believe they've eaten human meat – but what is it actually?
Which members of The Gang have slept with The Waitress?
In "The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis", what names do Dennis and Mac give themselves when they're posing as realtors?
In "The Gang Hits the Road", what fruit does Charlie eat for the very first time?
What is the name of the transsexual woman who Mac dates for a while?
In "Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games", what does Frank have to eat to escape from the dog kennel?
What drug to Dennis and Dee get addicted to in "Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare"?
In "The Gang Beats Boggs", how many beers do Dee and Charlie manage to chug to beat Wade Boggs' record?
In "Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs", what does Mac name the dog who ends up dying and being cooked in Mac's famous mac and cheese?
What is Rickety Cricket's real name?
What is the Dayman a master of?
In season seven, what weight does Mac reach before realising he's fat in "How Mac Got Fat"?
In "The Gang Saves the Day", who does Dee end up divorcing Josh Groban for in her fantasy where she's a famous TV and movie star?
What is the name of the boat The Gang buys in "The Gang Buys a Boat"?
In "Charlie Work", what does Dennis try to rename Paddy's to as part of The Gang's airline miles, live chickens and steaks scam?
In "The Waitress is Getting Married" what does Charlie accidentally say he is to a woman he goes on a date with?