How well do you remember Step Brothers?
How well do you remember Step Brothers?
Did we just become best friends?
Did we just become best friends?

First things first, who's Dale and who's Brennan?
What's the name of the boys' first song for their entertainment company, which they show everyone at Derek's birthday?
What is the instrument that Dale is extremely protective over? Brennan rubs his balls on it, which leads to this fight...
Complete this quote from Nancy: " Today I saw my own son use a ________ as a weapon."
What's the name of the big event at the end of the film, where the boys save the day with their musical talents?
What nickname does Brennan tell Dale he has to use for him?
Complete this quote from Dale to Brennan: "That's so funny, the last time I heard that I laughed so hard..."
What is the song we see Derek and his family sing in the car (before almost crashing)?
In the car, Brennan says to Nancy that he's not going to call Robert "Dad" ever, even if what happens?
What do the boys simultaneously name as their favourite dinosaur?
Who gets crushed the the boys' makeshift bunk beds?
Complete this quote: "This house is a fucking prison! On Planet Bullshit! In the galaxy of..."
The boys are really close to getting jobs at a sports goods store, until Dale does what?
What's the name of Derek's wife, who ends up having an affair with Dale after he punches Derek in the face?
When Dale and Brennan get beaten up by the kids in the park, what are they forced to do?
And finally, what kind of masks do Dale and Brennan's parents buy them at the end of the movie?