How Well Do You Remember These Movies From 2006?

A decade has past, does you film trivia still cut it?
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On May 26, 2016
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James Bond made his return in 2006. What was the name of the film he starred in?

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There were 2 magician films released in 2006. What one is this scene from?

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2006 also saw another Fast & Furious film. Which one was it?

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What was the name of this 2006 Will Smith tear jerker?

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What was the name of Al Gore's climate change documentary?

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What Pirates of the Caribbean film was released in 2006?

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Disney's "Cars" was released in 2006. What's the name of this fella?

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Also out in 2006 was sci-fi film Children of Men. What was its central theme?

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2006 also saw two road trip movies. What film is this scene from?

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Will Ferrell was a NASCAR driver in 2006 film Talladega Nights, but what was his character's name?

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BORAT was huge in 2006, but what celebrity did our Kazakh friend have the hots for?

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Who played Jennifer Aniston's ex-boyfriend in The Break Up

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Which of the following actors *didn't* appear in 300?

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In what 2006 movie is Ryan Gosling giving you the eyes?

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What 2006 comedy is this scene from?

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What 2006 film did Leonardo DiCaprio star in?

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And did he win an Oscar for his role?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021