How Well Do You Remember These Movies From 2006?
How Well Do You Remember These Movies From 2006?
A decade has past, does you film trivia still cut it?
A decade has past, does you film trivia still cut it?
James Bond made his return in 2006. What was the name of the film he starred in?
There were 2 magician films released in 2006. What one is this scene from?
2006 also saw another Fast & Furious film. Which one was it?
What was the name of this 2006 Will Smith tear jerker?
What was the name of Al Gore's climate change documentary?
What Pirates of the Caribbean film was released in 2006?
Disney's "Cars" was released in 2006. What's the name of this fella?
Also out in 2006 was sci-fi film Children of Men. What was its central theme?
2006 also saw two road trip movies. What film is this scene from?
Will Ferrell was a NASCAR driver in 2006 film Talladega Nights, but what was his character's name?
BORAT was huge in 2006, but what celebrity did our Kazakh friend have the hots for?
Who played Jennifer Aniston's ex-boyfriend in The Break Up
Which of the following actors *didn't* appear in 300?
In what 2006 movie is Ryan Gosling giving you the eyes?
What 2006 comedy is this scene from?
What 2006 film did Leonardo DiCaprio star in?
And did he win an Oscar for his role?