How well do you know the Father Ted Christmas special?

Only hardcore fans should take this
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 2, 2017
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What's the name of the award that Ted wins?

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What gift does Ted buy Mrs Doyle?

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What's her name?

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How many peanuts chase Ted during his dream?

5 / 30

This priest has a ... voice

6 / 30

True or false. There's a Santa hat on the Father Ted logo at the beginning.

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What magazine is Dougal reading here?

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How many times is Mrs Doyle on the window ledge throughout the episode?

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In total, how many priests were actually trapped in the lingerie section?

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Ted reckons that Father Jez Flaven in Montana picked up some extra cash by?

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His famous line is ... ?

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How did this priest injure himself?

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This man is Bishop ... ?

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What's the first floating head that Ted visualises?

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Ted smacks this auld lad with a rock. What's his instant reaction?

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What's the amazing punchline that the 'hooligans' say when they dial Priest Chatback?

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Father PJ Clabbert really should fall into the .... category in Ted's speech?

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Larry Duff initially gets injured by ... ?

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Father Todd Unctious' hair was originally ... ?

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What's the first name on Mrs Doyle's 'normal' list of names?

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What name from this list comes last on Mrs Doyle's 'batshit crazy' list of names?

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"I'm getting mad feedback here .... "

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After seeing some "gooooood mass" by Fr Crosby, how long does it take before they're all asleep?

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Dougal once let a tramp stay in the house. Why?

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What does Todd say first as he enters the bedroom in all of his nudiness?

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Who does Ted NOT imagine having a conversation with as he holds the Golden Cleric?

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Fr Todd Unctious created his plan to steal the Golden Cleric while drinking at a bar in ... ?

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We learn that Ted used to wet the bed at ... ?

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Fr Todd Unctious once won the priest of the year award in?

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What's the actual number for 'Priest Chatback'?

Questions left
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