How well do you know the Father Ted Christmas special?
How well do you know the Father Ted Christmas special?
Only hardcore fans should take this
Only hardcore fans should take this
What's the name of the award that Ted wins?
What gift does Ted buy Mrs Doyle?
What's her name?
How many peanuts chase Ted during his dream?
This priest has a ... voice
True or false. There's a Santa hat on the Father Ted logo at the beginning.
What magazine is Dougal reading here?
How many times is Mrs Doyle on the window ledge throughout the episode?
In total, how many priests were actually trapped in the lingerie section?
Ted reckons that Father Jez Flaven in Montana picked up some extra cash by?
His famous line is ... ?
How did this priest injure himself?
This man is Bishop ... ?
What's the first floating head that Ted visualises?
Ted smacks this auld lad with a rock. What's his instant reaction?
What's the amazing punchline that the 'hooligans' say when they dial Priest Chatback?
Father PJ Clabbert really should fall into the .... category in Ted's speech?
Larry Duff initially gets injured by ... ?
Father Todd Unctious' hair was originally ... ?
What's the first name on Mrs Doyle's 'normal' list of names?
What name from this list comes last on Mrs Doyle's 'batshit crazy' list of names?
"I'm getting mad feedback here .... "
After seeing some "gooooood mass" by Fr Crosby, how long does it take before they're all asleep?
Dougal once let a tramp stay in the house. Why?
What does Todd say first as he enters the bedroom in all of his nudiness?
Who does Ted NOT imagine having a conversation with as he holds the Golden Cleric?
Fr Todd Unctious created his plan to steal the Golden Cleric while drinking at a bar in ... ?
We learn that Ted used to wet the bed at ... ?
Fr Todd Unctious once won the priest of the year award in?
What's the actual number for 'Priest Chatback'?