Can you get 15/15 in this Irish general knowledge quiz?
Can you get 15/15 in this Irish general knowledge quiz?
It's tough.
It's tough.

What is the biggest lake in Ireland?
Which of these political parties is the oldest?
Which of these counties has the biggest population?
Which province has the fewest counties?
If carpets in the Dáil chamber are blue, what colour are the carpets in the Seanad?
In what year did George Bernard Shaw die?
Which county has won more All-Irelands? Kilkenny in hurling, or Kerry in football?
Who is older, Enda Kenny or Gerry Adams?
To which county can Barack Obama trace his Irish roots to?
Which county is nicknamed The Treaty County?
Which canal is situated at Croke Park's Canal End?
What is the second smallest county in Ireland?
The Book of Kells is written in what language?
What is the county town of Donegal?
What's the second longest river in Ireland?