Can you get 15/15 in this Irish general knowledge quiz?

It's tough.
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 12, 2016
1 / 15

What is the biggest lake in Ireland?

2 / 15

Which of these political parties is the oldest?

3 / 15

Which of these counties has the biggest population?

4 / 15

Which province has the fewest counties?

5 / 15

If carpets in the Dáil chamber are blue, what colour are the carpets in the Seanad?

6 / 15

In what year did George Bernard Shaw die?

7 / 15

Which county has won more All-Irelands? Kilkenny in hurling, or Kerry in football?

8 / 15

Who is older, Enda Kenny or Gerry Adams?

9 / 15

To which county can Barack Obama trace his Irish roots to?

10 / 15

Which county is nicknamed The Treaty County?

11 / 15

Which canal is situated at Croke Park's Canal End?

12 / 15

What is the second smallest county in Ireland?

13 / 15

The Book of Kells is written in what language?

14 / 15

What is the county town of Donegal?

15 / 15

What's the second longest river in Ireland?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021