How well do you know Home Alone?
How well do you know Home Alone?
A Christmas classic
A Christmas classic

Is this Harry or Marv?
What's his nickname?
Complete the quote. "Buzz, your girlfriend! ..."
Kevin's mom hitches a ride with Gus Polinski. What's the name of the band?
What insult does Kevin hear first?
What do Harry and Marv call the McCallister's House?
What comes first?
What's his name?
What's the name of Kevin's mother?
We all know this scene, what line comes first though?
What's the name of the pizza company?
Who said this line "Look what you did, you little jerk!"
Who does Kevin shoot in the balls with the BB-gun?
Who directed Home Alone?
How many kids are in the house BEFORE they leave to the airport?
Which of these characters is NOT in Kevin's immediate family?
What time did the power go out?
How many families are gone on the McCallister's block?
How old is Kevin?
Mitch Murphy lives across the street. His family are heading to... to pick up their grandma.