Hero or Villain

Are you the hero of the day or the villain of the night ?

John Doe
Created by John Doe (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Would you ever risk your life for another ?

Your house is being INVADED you

There is an old lady crossing the road would you ...

You find a large sum of money on the floor you

You are having a fight with a friend you

If you were being interrogated ,and you know who did it would you

Last but not least, would you help a person dragging a body shaped bag out of your house ..



Good job your the everyday hero !!!

Your couragous ,brave, smart, and your always the right person for the job. You might always know what to do in a tight spot .but don't get caught up in acting the part of HERO.



Great your the night time Villain.

You have a mind for crime and not always the bad kind. You know how to be level-head,intelligent, and shady.But don't let that go to your head your a great leader when needs be but quick to burn bridges.



Oh your the Civilian.....

Your neither a Hero or Villain your the Civilian.You get caught up in the middle of stupid argument. Your that neutral guy in the middle of everything. You can be responsible, open-mined,clever,and a vigilant person.

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