What Kind Of Force Sensitive Are You?
What Kind Of Force Sensitive Are You?
May The Force Be With You...
May The Force Be With You...

You Are 9% Sith, 61% Jedi, and 30% Gray!
You Are 9% Sith, 61% Jedi, and 30% Gray!
You Are 9% Sith, 61% Jedi, and 30% Gray! According to your answers, you are mostly a Jedi but certainly have your moments that are indicative of your inquisitive and unique perspective. You think that ultimately the Jedi have the best approach to the Force, but there are some points where you need to channel your emotions in order to obtain your goals. It is rare that you find a worthy objection to the Jedi Council, but you do not hesitate to voice your opinion when it differs. Take heart, for you are out to seek truth and justice!
You Are 55% Sith, 14% Jedi, and 31% Gray!
You Are 55% Sith, 14% Jedi, and 31% Gray!
You Are 55% Sith, 14% Jedi, and 31% Gray! According to our team of experts, you tend to agree with the Sith's approach to life and the force. Your passions are wild and furious. You exude your mind and impress it upon the world with all the power you can muster. Those who do not abide by you will fall victim to your malice and rage. There is little Jedi in you, however, sometimes you find yourself in disdain of senseless and inglorious violence, opting instead for the valor and grandeur for battle with other force sensitives.
You Are 13% Sith, 36% Jedi, and 51% Gray!
You Are 13% Sith, 36% Jedi, and 51% Gray!
You Are 13% Sith, 36% Jedi, and 51% Gray! According to your answers, you are one of the Fabled Gray Jedi. Force sensitives who attempt to balance both sides of the force and do not swear allegiance to any force organization like the Sith or the Jedi. However, if matters were dire enough, and you alone could influence the final outcome, you would ally yourself with the Jedi; for you know well enough the domination of the Dark Side can cause chaos and violence in the most horrible of fashions!
You Are 28% Sith, 19% Jedi, and 53% Gray!
You Are 28% Sith, 19% Jedi, and 53% Gray!
You Are 28% Sith, 19% Jedi, and 53% Gray! According to our team of experts, you are one of the mythical Gray Jedis; force sensitives who agree with neither the Sith nor the Jedi, but strive to balance both aspects of the force within themselves. In your case, if you had to sway one way or the other, you tend to sway towards the Dark Side of the force. Your emotions are strong and heavily drive your actions and decisions. You have moments of peace but you seek definitive answers with empirical results than the abstract nature of the Jedi.