Which Star Fox Character Are you?
Which Star Fox Character Are you?
Find out what Star Fox character you are and enjoy!
Find out what Star Fox character you are and enjoy!
How would you describe yourself?
How would you deal with difficult situations?
What is your favorite color?
Choose a vacation country:
What foreign language intrigues you most?
Do you get angry at others often?
Which weather climate do you prefer most?
How successful would your life be if you could just change one thing? What would that be?
Would you travel by you own; or with somebody you know?
Fox McCloud
Fox McCloud
Your life is filled with many determinations to come! You are a diligent person who wants a good perspective on life that wants to exceed a positive reflection on the world around you. You are a confident, brave, and audacious being that wants to look for new upcoming challenges. You are a heroic friend to the people you know and to the innocent. Taking pride and adventure to a whole new level for your own pleasure and protect those you love around you!
Congratulations! You've got Fox McCloud; the mercenary veteran of the Star Fox team!
Falco Lombardi
Falco Lombardi
You have an intriguing and a very perplexing personality that defines your character quite well. A salient perspective of another can depict you as a devoted, indulgent, an erotic, and a secretive sense of self-being that grants you a well respective relationship towards friends and family. But not all of sociability matters to you; since you prefer going alone at times, you are capable of solving your own problems if necessary, you don't really like to be in crowded areas, but you have somewhat of a mysterious, and impressive virtual perspective on life itself, and it what makes you so important to yourself which is what makes the roses sparkle!
Congratulations! You've got Falco Lombardi; an ace mercenary veteran of the Star Fox fleet!
Slippy Toad
Slippy Toad
Peppy Hare
Peppy Hare
Wolf O'Donnell
Wolf O'Donnell