Can You Recognize All 15 Of These Languages From A Single Word?
Can You Recognize All 15 Of These Languages From A Single Word?
Name the foreign language by its Alphabet.
Name the foreign language by its Alphabet.
What alphabet is this word written in?
100% Linguistic Genius!
100% Linguistic Genius!
That was incredible! You seem to REALLY know your world languages! You must either be an avid traveler, a linguist or possibly even a polyglot! You demonstrate great linguistic knowledge and can easily differentiate between various alphabets. Well done!
Share your result with a multilingual friend!
95% English Lover!
95% English Lover!
Good job! You were able to recognize the most frequently used foreign alphabets and tell some of the more confusing ones apart. You might want to brush up on your Eastern European alphabets and you'll be good to go!
100% Anglophile!
100% Anglophile!
English is your mother tongue and you wouldn't have it any other way. You're not really into language acquisition and can't really see much of a difference between Russian and Arabic. Luckily though, English is the common tongue, so you've got nothing to worry about!