Which FAE are you?

"FAE: The Untold Story", a internet comic, has countless races! Which one are you?

Created by Bombob5050 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 11, 2015

Do you prefer Equality or Dominance?

What is your favorite Element in FAE?

You find out you are a Creator Class Bioweapon, with enough power to destroy a universe. What do you do?

A creator offers you power if you follow them. What do you do?

You find a portal to the FAE realm. What do you do with it?

Would you give up a fraction of your soul to become a Bioweapon?

What is the best to you?



You are a Fire FAE, you serve your kingdom and anyone that is above you. Anyone below you has to do what you say, or else. You prefer to be the dominant FAE, referring to the Fire FAE as the "master" race. Which is why you side with Khaos and try to overthrow God to take control of the FAE realm.



A peace loving race. You prefer to settle things calmly, and will raise arms if needed. But do not let the calm loving ways through you off, water FAE are quite deadly. It is rumored that Typhoons and Hurricanes are from a water FAE that was pissed off.



A race shown by it's military power. They practice day in and day out. Because they have the hardest skill to master, wind. They are a deadly force though. Using wind to manipulate any element it is capable of moving. Although they have their powerful forces, they show no sign to either peace or violence.



Earth is a powerful race. They show both sides to everything. Most of them are greedy though. Yet if you get on their good side, you can expect a happy fun loving brute. They focus on training physically and how big their spells are. They are also very secretive.



A interesting FAE race. Shown neither side of good or evil, they take jobs as Reapers or transcend into Demons or Angels. Their emotions vary greatly, and each does a different thing.



A destructive, yet educational race. They quickly came to power after conquering land endlessly. They settled that piece of history by creating the Shadow Realm, a pocket dimension inside the FAE realm. They spend hours on end studying skills, spells, tactics, and everything possible.



You seek justice as this race. Nothing will stop you from reaching it, no matter who you have to bring down. You vow to remove all corruption, sin, and darkness. And tend to be a bit strict while at it.



A corrupted FAE. You strayed from the path of sanity and humanity of your race. Becoming a powerful lost soul, bent on devouring other's and ruining everything you touch. You are twisted to cause chaos and take orders from no one. At this point, you aren't even considered a Demon.

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