The Theory Of Lady Luck, Is She On Your Side? (Trivia)
The Theory Of Lady Luck, Is She On Your Side? (Trivia)
This short casino style trivia can tell you if Lady Luck is resting on your shoulder... Find out!
This short casino style trivia can tell you if Lady Luck is resting on your shoulder... Find out!

Created by Jeiye Roze
On Apr 11, 2016
1 / 7
2 / 7
Pick one. Heads or tails.
3 / 7
Let's give it another go!
4 / 7
Choose the "luckiest" color. And I'll have you know that it has nothing to do with absolutely anything.
5 / 7
Roll the dice to see if you win, 1/3 chance is MUCH higher than the chance you usually get.
6 / 7
Did you know that most slot machines have less than a 1 in 200,000 chance of winning. The chance of you winning this is 50%. WAY higher.
7 / 7
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On Nov 18, 2021