Which Villainous Goddess Are You?
Which Villainous Goddess Are You?
You might think a few of these goddess are innocent... you'd be wrong. Are you?
You might think a few of these goddess are innocent... you'd be wrong. Are you?
![Jeiye Roze](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/60f1f843-2431-4bc1-8a10-9708289d7834.jpg)
How do you think other people perceive you?
Being villainous doesn't always make someone a villain... but what side will you choose?
Let's begin our villainous adventure! Choose a color so we can make your outfit.
What type of area would you live in?
Which of the following is the most important?
Which Word did you see first?
Which do you feel you are? Left is often more logical, right is often considered more creative thinking. Don't let the pink fool you - this is still villainous!
Which quote fits you the best?
Interpret this however you prefer, please choose one of the following.
Aite - Goddess Misfortune
Aite - Goddess Misfortune
Hey name refers to an action performed by a hero, usually do to arrogance, that ends in the hero's downfall. She is one of the lesser known Goddesses, the daughter of Zeus and the Goddess of mischief.
You are a free spirit, you can't be chained down by what people think and it's important to you that you are given the space to be yourself. People may not always understand your approach, but it's an honest and genuine one.
Not to mention, there is nothing wrong with a little mischief~
Hecate - Goddess of Socery
Hecate - Goddess of Socery
Hecate is likely one of the most underrated goddess there is, and while she isn't chopping a head or two off - she's studying her mystical arts of necromancy!
You are eccentric, and that's making light of it. You are not a creature that's meant to be understood. You have a freedom that many people aren't always given - and that's why you'd be Hecate!
Now before you go off to summoning skeletons to do your bidding, I'd really appreciate if you tell your dead friends FAR away from me.
Eris - Goddess of Chaos
Eris - Goddess of Chaos
Eris is one of the goddesses that has slipped under the radar, it's probably because she's been too busy trying to ruin the world or something. Eris ALWAYS has something up her sleeve!
You are just as interesting and exciting! While I hope you're not trying to ruin the world, you would be the goddess of misfortune! Yet, much like Eris, it's because you aren't okay with the way the world is - you want to make a change.
But... still, you are undeniably as evil as it gets.
Hera - Goddess of Marriage
Hera - Goddess of Marriage
Oh! You're probably like, "Hera isn't villainous at all! I know her!"
Hera is absolutely loco bananas! Just calling her villainous is an understatement. She has TIME AND TIME again proven that she will do absolutely anything to achieve what she wants. Just ask yourself, how many people has she undermined and tricked to get what she wants?
You have her same drive, determination, and craving for power! You may seem like the hallmark of love on some days, but I know how possessive you can get!
Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned... or something like that.
Medea - The Part Goddess, Part Crazy
Medea - The Part Goddess, Part Crazy
Medea is only part god, but she made this list due to her ability to shut someone DOWN. She went OFF on Jason, had him re-thinking his WHOLE life after he pissed her off!
You are intelligent, sensitive. You also are an undercover villain - people don't usually see the dark side of you until they take you over the edge. But when you go over the edge, you go over the EDGE!
My only hopes is that you can fly...