Who Killed Mr. Winkles!? The Curious Case Of The Cat Detective!
Who Killed Mr. Winkles!? The Curious Case Of The Cat Detective!
This won't be half as easy as you think it will be... we have a crafty one on our hands!
This won't be half as easy as you think it will be... we have a crafty one on our hands!

This isn't your average quiz... you'll be tested on your ability to pick the right choices to find the murderer. Is that clear, Detective?
Here's the story, someone took out Mr. Winkles! Here are the suspects. Who looks the MOST suspicious?
Here are the four facts. Click on when you commit them to memory, you'll need them!
You question Puff and Tuff, the following are their responses to your questions. Choose the one that you will use as evidence.
You question Doug, the following are his responses to your questions. Choose the one that you will use as evidence.
You question Monkeyna, the following are her responses to your questions. Choose the one that you will use as evidence.
You question Stemhar, the following are his responses to your questions. Choose the one that you will use as evidence.
Out of all the suspects, approximately how many times do you think you were lied to?
Remember when I asked who looked the most suspicious? Would you choose the same suspect now that you've gotten evidence?
Now, take the person you think committed the crime to jail. But be warned! If you don't have enough evidence on them, the police will let them go. If you choose the wrong one, the TRUE villain will escape. Pick wisely! Bring Mr. Winkles' killer to justice!
You Are FAAAAR Off!
You Are FAAAAR Off!
It's like you can't find good Cat Police anywhere... The killer was RIGHT under your nose!
Go back to animal law school, or Sherlock Holmes - whoever taught you that mess you brought here, and learn again! Two words for you, manual labor. That's all that's left if you can't use your wits.
Do yourself a favor and try again, and be serious this time!
No Cat, No Nip, Either.
No Cat, No Nip, Either.
Dog... you are like, as warm as cold can possibly get. I mean, you're not SO far off that case that you have marine animals laughing at you like some of the other people, but the other dogs are totally giving you dirty looks.
Long and sad story short, you let the killer get away. You were pretty off from the trail, I'llgive you a hint...
Mr. Winkles is a cat. You're welcome.
So Close, Yet So Far.
So Close, Yet So Far.
Okay, so you definitely got REALLY close. I'll give you that. You were definitely picking up on some important stuff - just not the stuff that can really be used as evidence.
You deserve a rusty thumbs up, at least. Now go back and really commit the case facts to your memory, and think about what the animal's say that connects together. That way you'll be able to find the culprit~
You're well on your way to some great detectiveness!
That Was Puurfect!
That Was Puurfect!
I must say, I'm a little surprised that you figured this out... did you use some underhanded method? Well done, if so! You're a detective after my own heart!
You found the enough evidence and identified the right suspect and sent them to the slammer! But don't ruin the mystery for the other detectives!
I'll be sure to invite you to the Cat Police Awards when I get the chance!