What Is The First Thought That Comes To Your Mind?
What Is The First Thought That Comes To Your Mind?
Let's reveal what your knee jerk reactions to images says about your true personality!
Let's reveal what your knee jerk reactions to images says about your true personality!
Choose the option that most closely matches what you first thought when you saw this picture.
Your life is focused on ideals, values and unlimited possibility !
Your life is focused on ideals, values and unlimited possibility !
Based on your knee jerk reactions to all of these photos, you're an idealist! This means that when you see images, your mind translates them in the language of your morals and values. You know better than the rest of us that perception is in the eye of the beholder. When you see a globe encompassed by hands, you think of harmony and unity. When you see chickens caged, you think of their suffering. When you see an image of a homeless man, you really wish you could help - or you at least feel sad. Two guys kissing? Well, that's just beautiful! Your reaction to all of these photos reveals that you have a strong value system, you pride yourself on your open mind and you truly believe that all things are possible!
Your life is focused on logic, practicality and reality!
Your life is focused on logic, practicality and reality!
Based on your knee jerk reactions to all of these photos you're a realist! This means that your mind processes images separetly from your value system. You see things for what they are and before attaching a value judgement on what you're seeing, you ask more questions about what you're seeing. When you see a picture of a homeless man, your first reaction is curiosity about how he got there. When you see a couple kissing, you wonder why. Chickens in a cage? You first thought might have been "wow, chickens really do look weird!". And when you see a cross, you naturally think of Jesus! You're a realist, you see the world for what it is. You're straightforward, down to earth, and grounded!
Your life is focused on imagination, abstract thinking and creativity!
Your life is focused on imagination, abstract thinking and creativity!
Based on your reactions to these photos, you're a surrealist! This means that you see the world through a very unique lense and march to the beat of your own drum. When your mind sees images, it uses them to create more fantastic and extraordinary images (and ideas!). You see the humor in all things and every image for you is a work of art. You're incredibly creative and you see the world as one big, crazy creation that we're all creating as we go. You're independent, unique and have the ability to really shake things up!