The Number Of Hidden Objects You See Can Determine If You're Smarter Than Average
The Number Of Hidden Objects You See Can Determine If You're Smarter Than Average
5 questions and a gazillion hidden things! Go!
5 questions and a gazillion hidden things! Go!
And finally...
You are a genius! Your IQ range is 170 - 185!!!
You are a genius! Your IQ range is 170 - 185!!!
Only 0.1% of the population get this score.
You have a passion for perfection, you like to challenge yourself, and you appreciate diversity. You are committed to personal aesthetics, excel in finding problems and solutions, and have a driving force to create. You have boundless imagination and an open mind. In simple words: You Are Simply A Genius!
Your IQ range: 150 - 169. You are highly intelligent!
Your IQ range: 150 - 169. You are highly intelligent!
Only 2% of the population get this score.
You are a maverick, a rapid learner with multiple skills and interests. You can see problems before they occur, and have elaborate inner dialogues, thoughts, and imaginings. You are bored if you are not engaged, and constantly require stimulus in your fields of passions. Your I.Q. range is evident in college professors, social scientists, and doctors.
Your IQ range: 130 - 149. You are gifted!
Your IQ range: 130 - 149. You are gifted!
About 13% of the population get this score!!
You are an independent thinker. You have a unique awareness, and you develop you own methods of learning. You hold strong moral convictions, and a sharp understanding of the complex. Your I.Q. range is evident in individuals with a PhD in the Arts and Sciences.
Your IQ range is: 70 - 84. You Are Trainable!
Your IQ range is: 70 - 84. You Are Trainable!
About 14% of the population get this score.
You used to have difficulties in high school, and you hate dealing with banking and filling out forms. You daydream, observe other people, and want to work the hours that work for you. You get out of your own head and tend to lose track of time. By the way, most violent crime is committed by individuals from this range. Is there anything you'd like to share with us?