7 Reasons Adopting An Older Dog Is Better Than Adopting A Puppy

Adopting older dogs saves lives!

Julie Richmond
Created by Julie Richmond (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 28, 2015

First off, older dogs are just as cute as puppies.


What you see is what you get: you never know how puppies will be when they're older.


Old dogs are actually easy to train, they have the ability to focus on you because they're calmer than puppies.


Older dogs mean less mess: they're not running around scratching your furniture and they're most likely house trained already.


You'd potentially save a dog's life at the pound since they're first to be euthanize.


Older dogs are more independent, making them actually less hassle than their younger counterparts.


Older dogs love cuddling more than puppies because they're much more chill and inclined to relax with you.

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