What Twenty One Pilots Song Are You?

These two lovable dorks have some really meaningful songs....Which one do you relate to/represents you the most?

Kaitlyn Stephens
Created by Kaitlyn Stephens(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 24, 2016

What's your favorite song out of these?

One word to describe yourself?

Do you think you're more Josh or Tyler?

Other than twenty one pilots, what band do you like?

If someone was mad at you, what would you do in response?

Someone you love is crying. You..?

Who do you go to when you're sad?

Finally, how would your friends describe you?

Johnny Boy

Johnny Boy

You help everyone- And don't get anything in return...Sucks, huh? I relate. But remember, it could all be in your head. The world may seem to be out to get you....But maybe even just one person thinks that you're...Well, their pride and joy.

Fake You Out

Fake You Out

You're telling people you're fine....But are you? Or are you faking them out? Hey, things get better, it's okay. You don't owe anyone explanations.....Everyone's brains are sick, but that's okay. (Heathens came on while I was writing this lit lit lit lit lit)

Not Today

Not Today

You seem happy...But when people take a close look at what you're saying, how you're behaving....You're not okay, or at least, not today...Buh buh buh buh-



You're a great person, and makes believe know that they're lovely! You listen to people, even when they open their mouths, and flies and cobwebs come out...Eww, but...It's poetic, frick off..

Oh Ms Believer

Oh Ms Believer

You believe, but your beliefs tumble in at times...Your thoughts get twisted, kind of like...Well, snow on the rooftops. And while you're such a pretty weeper...Don't cry.

Lane Boy

Lane Boy

They tell you to stay in your lane, but...You are. Sure, you may not have been raised in the hood, but you know a thing or two about pain, or darkness, or both. But you live to remember, don't trust a perfect person, or a song- Hell, anything that's flawless!

Car Radio

Car Radio

You can't stand sitting in silence, alone with your thoughts...No fun, they get dark, sometimes scary, I mean, quiet is violent after all...It's okay, stay strong. Peace will win, fear will lose.

Ode To Sleep

Ode To Sleep

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021