How Much Do You Remember About SM:tv Live?

"No-one told you comedy could ever be so lame..."

Karl Gregg
Created by Karl Gregg
On Apr 13, 2017
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SM:tv Live was first broadcast in which year?

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Who presented SM:tv Live together with Ant and Dec?

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youtube embed goes here!

Name the sketch:

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Which of the following shows were not part of SM:tv Live?

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"It's Gotta Rhyme!" was the catchphrase for which SM:tv Live game?

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youtube embed goes here!

Who is Bryan?

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Why were fans left shocked on April 1st, 2000?

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True or False: Cat the Dog's full name was Catherine Noddy Slade Deeley.

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Who was Cat the Dog's bestest ever ever friend?

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What was the name of the man with the brown paper bag over his head?

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Name the sketch:

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youtube embed goes here!

Can you guess the answer?

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What was the name of the music show that followed directly after SM:tv Live?

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Which of the following celebrities did not appear on SM:tv Live?

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Do Cat and Dec ever manage an uninterrupted kiss?

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In which year did Ant and Dec leave SM:tv Live?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021