Can You Really Trust Your Own Memory?

You think you can...But can you really?

Kate Walker
Created by Kate Walker
On Sep 16, 2015
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Which is the final album cover of The Beatles' Abbey Road?

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What's the direction of this famous "Afghan Girl" National Geographic cover?

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What about the Mona Lisa?

4 / 16

The man in this famous painting is holding a...

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What is the color of the girl's coat in this iconic picture from the "Schindler's List"

6 / 16

The real sketch of Rose from the Titanic movie is...

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What is the color of the APPLE in this famous painting?

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The movie "Gone with the Wind" from 1939 was...

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And what about "I Love Lucy"?

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The original posters says...

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Which is the current Facebook logo?

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Is this the ORIGINAL Kinder kid?

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Is this famous "The royal wedding" and "Cinderella" comparison accurate (colorwise)?

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Which is the last scene of the last "Game of Thrones" episode?

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And what was the last scene ever of "Breaking bad"?

16 / 16

In this iconic "The breakfast club" movie poster Claire is wearing...

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021