This Color Test Will Determine Which Disney Song Describes Your Life
This Color Test Will Determine Which Disney Song Describes Your Life
Hakuna Matata . . . it means no worries for the rest of your days ♪
Hakuna Matata . . . it means no worries for the rest of your days ♪

Pick your favorite princess dress:
Which color is the most dominant in this picture?
When you think of the color white, what do you think of?
Which color do you see first?
Which of these colors seems the most magical?
Choose the scenery that speaks to you the most:
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Ahhh, can you smell the romance in the air? This sweet song from "The Lion King" describes your life because you are in LOVE. Your are head over heels. You have fallen in love with someone very special. This person is your soulmate. The one you will spend the rest of your life with. You are the happiest you've ever been right now. You are optimistic and delighted. To you, everything seems beautiful.
A Whole New World
A Whole New World
This wonderful song from Aladdin describes your life because it's about adventure and finding yourself. You have your whole life in front of you. You are ready to explore and discover something new - something magical! You are independent and daring. You aren't afraid to take risks and live life to the fullest. You are seeking a wild experience. You love to have fun and let your wings (or magic carpet) fly.
Let It Go
Let It Go
This popular song from "Frozen" describes your life because you've been through a lot to get to where you are right now. You are very strong, resilient, and determined. You don't like to ask for help. You believe in yourself and you will never give up. You have conquered your fears and pushed past your obstacles. You are ready to test the limits and break through. You are not going to let anyone get in your way!
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata obviously describes your life because you are the epitome of "no worries." You are carefree, relaxed, and super chill. People turn to you to calm them down. You give off great vibes and you always cheer people up. You don't like to worry, which makes your life fairly stress-free. You probably do a lot of yoga, you have a job that makes you happy, and you surround yourself with people that make you smile.
Part Of Your World
Part Of Your World
This song from "The Little Mermaid" is an anthem for your life because it's about anyone who has ever felt they were on the outside. Whether it's a place, a group of people, or a station in life, you see it and you want to be there. You yearn to be part of something bigger than yourself. You are a dreamer who aspires for greatness. When you set your eyes on something, you won't stop until you get it.
I'll Make A Man Out Of You
I'll Make A Man Out Of You
This song from "Mulan" perfectly describes your life because it's about being tough and stepping up to the plate. People rely on you. You are a natural-born leader and people count on you do make important decisions and do the right thing. Although you have your doubts, you should be confident in yourself. You are strong, smart, talented, and fierce. You are a survivor who can push against all odds and triumph.