Which Female Character From Star Wars Are You ?
Which Female Character From Star Wars Are You ?
Are you Padme, Leia or Rey ?
Are you Padme, Leia or Rey ?
Created by Kathleen (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017
How do your friends/family describe you ?
What Star Wars job would you like to have ?
What's the most important in life ?
Favorite hairstyle
What's your biggest flaw?
Choose one
Choose one
What's your favorite planet ?
What's your favorite hobby ?
When facing with a moral decision you
Choose a color
You got Padme!
You are kind, smart, generous and a wonderful leader.
You got Leia!
You are brave, outspoken, smart, headstrong and you speak your mind.
You got Rey!
You are brave, independant, smart and determinated.
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