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Which Female Dexter Character Are You Most Like?

Do you have what it takes?

Created by KayleL (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

I would consider myself....

In the future I would love to....

If I got to spend the day with Dexter I would....

My favorite serial killer was....

My favorite guy besides Dexter was....

My style is best described as....

My Favourite female character is....

Dexter is....

Rita Bennett/(Morgan)

Rita Bennett/(Morgan)

Like Rita, you are (or someday will be) a caring mother and wife! You are known for being kind but sometimes you come off a bit strong and can get on people's nerves. You mean well and everyone loves you for that!

Lumen Pierce

Lumen Pierce

You have a dark past and now your future is all about seeking revenge, and that can sometimes cloud your judgment! You may fool everybody with your quiet and shy exterior but inside you have a darker force that is driving you and once it is released there is no turning back!

Lila West

Lila West

You are officially known as the crazy ex-girlfriend! You love using the following quote "I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible and when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people." You make being crazy look easy!

Debra Morgan

Debra Morgan

You are known for being loud and crazy, but everyone adores you! Friends and family come first! You would jump in front of a bullet to save the ones you love! Sometimes your emotions can cloud your judgement and you forget to look at things rationally! You wear your heart on your sleeve, but you are one badass chick!

Hannah McKay

Hannah McKay

You are very seductive and know how to get your way! You have a lot of skeleton's in your closet that you are trying to keep hidden. If someone wrongs you, you are not afraid to seek revenge. You are number one and will do whatever it takes to defend yourself!

Jamie Batista

Jamie Batista

Everyone knows you as the good girl, but don't let that fool anyone, because behind closed doors you can be a bit freaky You work hard and are dedicated, and people respect your for it. You are kind and gentle, but if someone disrespects you or your family, all hell with break loose! You are never afraid to make your opinion known!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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