How Old Do You Really Act?

Inside each of us is a little voice of reason that's always telling us what we should be doing and another that tells us what we really want to do. When you listen equally to both, you're acting your age, but for a lot of people that just isn't the case. How old do you really act?
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Nov 1, 2020

Would you rather eat ... ?

What's your room like?

What do you most like to read?

What sort of music do you listen to?

You finally get a day off work, but your friend needs help moving apartment. What would you do?

There's new episode of your favorite TV show this evening, but you got a really important presentation at work. What would you do?

Do you drink soda?

And how healthy is your diet?

Your partner is most likely to about you that ...

And to finish with a super easy question: What is the meaning of life?

You act as though you're 19!

You act as though you're 19!

You're still very young at heart and risks will certainly not hold you back from doing something you want to do. Though you sometimes throw yourself into new territories without thinking about the consequences, one simply must be a little jealous of your carefreeness.
You love thinking about the future, but when you do, you only consider the positive aspects about it, what's the point of getting yourself upset for no reason, right?

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You act as though you're 26!

You act as though you're 26!

You're definitely still in touch with your inner child, but you can also be serious when you need to be.
You know when and how to let yourself go a little and like to put some time aside to really have fun.
Your friends can't understand how you manage to stay so laid-back and so practical all at once, but trust us, they're definitely jealous.

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You act as though you're 37!

You act as though you're 37!

You often find yourself quite busy, with tons of people relying on you and your work. All in all, you've got a quite heavy load on your shoulders.
Though you do like to let go and party, there often just doesn't seem to be enough time for it.
This does bring you down from time to time, but in the end you know that all your achievements are more rewarding than a night out.

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You act as though you're 53!

You act as though you're 53!

You are an incredibly mature person. You have always known that your long-term goals are much more important than any party could ever be.
You're friends really appreciate your wisdom and experience and often turn to you for advice. Being sensible doesn't mean that you can't have fun, but you've learned that you can have just as much fun by talking to others as you can by dancing the night away. Good for you!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021