How Perfectionist Are You?
How Perfectionist Are You?
Can you pass the perfectionist test?
Can you pass the perfectionist test?
Which circle is NOT symmetrically perfect?
Which circle is NOT symmetrically perfect?
How about this?
Keep on picking the NONE-PERFECT
Ultra High: You Are A Perfectionist!!
Ultra High: You Are A Perfectionist!!
Well well, we don't want to encourage your perfectionism, but you got the perfect score!! You were able to successfully spot ALL the asymmetrical and none-perfect shapes.
Being a perfectionist is not an easy task. You are smart, observant and aspire to be perfect in absolutely every aspect of your life. Most of the time you are, but you obviously don't know it.
It's great that you want things to be done the best way possible, but you also need to give your brain a little rest.
And yes, it looks like your astonishing perfectionism is your only imperfection :)
Laser vision: Incredibly perceptive!
Laser vision: Incredibly perceptive!
You have a perfect vision, but more importantly - you know how to perfectly balance yourself.
You know how to pick "your fights" and put 100% of your energy only into the most important things.
You're incredibly perceptive! You're the type of person who can usually have it all. What's your secret? we're jealous :)
You are perfectly imperfect!
You are perfectly imperfect!
Life is great and you know it! You are creative, calm and easy going, you don't like wasting time worrying about things to be perfect - we know nothing is - and nothing will ever be!