Which Disney Princess Are You Based On Your Birthday?
Which Disney Princess Are You Based On Your Birthday?
If you starred in one of the iconic Disney movies, which princess would you be? Your date of birth will magically help you to find out!
If you starred in one of the iconic Disney movies, which princess would you be? Your date of birth will magically help you to find out!

Pick the month you were born in:
Which of these do you prefer?
What decade were you born in?
Pick your favorite show:
What day were you born?
Every Disney princess needs animal friends to help her sing songs. Which animal would you like to be yours?
You are Anna
You are Anna
You are Anna!
Fiercely independent, you love fighting for important causes and humanitarian efforts. Like Anna, you can be temperamental, sensitive, and energetic — but you also have a shy side.
To you, the world is full of possibilities, and you need constant mental stimulation to keep yourself from getting bored. You can’t stand feeling held back or constrained, and need the freedom to explore the world.
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You are Jasmine
You are Jasmine
You are Jasmine!
Like Jasmine, you burn bright with courage, passion, and restless energy. Confident and determined, you’re always looking for answers to both personal and metaphysical questions, and aren’t afraid to take some risks!
Affectionate, flirty, brave, and competitive, no matter what challenge you face, you conquer it — or bounce back quickly if you can’t.
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You are Rapunzel
You are Rapunzel
You are Rapunzel!
Like Rapunzel, you’re very social, though sometimes it can be superficial, as you tend to keep your true feelings to yourself, or at least to a few trusted friends. Powerful, reliable, and very, very stubborn, you’re overprotective of the people you love, and are a romantic at heart.
You sometimes struggle with change, though thankful you have a good sense of humor to help you through it.
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You are Cinderella
You are Cinderella
You are Cinderella!
Imaginative, emotional, and highly sensitive, just like Cinderella, you’re soft and alluring. Often an enigma, others shouldn’t be surprised if you’re flighty, mysterious, and eccentric.
Ever-changing and elusive, once someone is beguiled by your charms, they won’t soon forget you.
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You are Belle
You are Belle
You are Belle!
Like Belle; you are caring, hardworking and practical, self-sacrificing, loyal, and kind. Connected to other people and very grounded, you have a deep sense of humanity and love to do the right thing.
You tend to maintain an optimistic faith in other people, even if you’ve been hurt by them so you’re prone to giving second chances. You have a unique, shy personality that shines through in other ways…
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You are Snow White
You are Snow White
You are Snow White!
You love harmony, consistency, and peace. Like Snow White; you’re generally fair, non confrontational, cooperative, and romantic.
Gentle and kind, albeit a bit idealistic, you tend to seek serenity in your relationships and life in general.
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You are Merida
You are Merida
You are Merida!
You’re brave, resilient, passionate and resourceful. Wise beyond your years, your dramatic nature can be a blessing and a curse, though either way, it certainly keeps things interesting.
Like Merida, you’re open, honest and assertive.
Occasionally jealous, you generally tend to have a calm and collected demeanor. Your contrary nature and emotional depths make for a dynamic, energetic and powerful personality.
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You are Elsa
You are Elsa
You are Elsa!
Responsible, patient, and very disciplined, you’re good at exercising self control and are very practical when making decisions. Typically very serious, you tend to be independent and hardworking.
Like Elsa, nothing is more important to you than family, whether they’re the family you chose or not.
While your vast knowledge may sometimes make you seem like a know-it-all, it’s really because success drives you. Sensitive and loyal underneath it all, when someone breaks through your tough exterior, they’ll find they have a true friend for life.
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