What League of Legends Role are You?
What League of Legends Role are You?
Are you a primary Support who aids his team when necessary, or a frightening assasin who removes his targets in the blink of an eye?
Are you a primary Support who aids his team when necessary, or a frightening assasin who removes his targets in the blink of an eye?

How do you deal with trolls?
Are you competitive?
How are you while losing?
What is your personality like?
Loud and Up in your face or Quiet and in the corner?
Do you surrender or play it out?
Do you call the shots or have the called?
How do you pick your champion?
The hidden leader of the pack, without you, you're positive your team would be crushed before they could even ff20.
You innitiate a fight and make sure you can protect your allies along with yourself, but when it comes down to it you would do anything to save your precious ADC..
Even if it means sacrificing your own life
The carry of the game, you will stop at nothing to get fed and carry your team on your back all the way to the nexus. With the prestined Faker mechanics, you win trades with ease and finish the kill with a maneuver they never saw coming.
When played properly you destroy in the long term and refuse to back down from a fight.
The silent but deadly type. You hide in the shadows and wait for the moment to strike on your target removing them from the game into the god-awful grey screen. When your enemy see's you coming they run for the hills fearing their lives in an instant.
You thrive and feed on fear, it's all or nothing for the assasin life. Get in and get out.
You love to soak in the damage for your teammates so they can deal precious blows to the enemy over and over again. You've been in the frontlines stopping the enemies countless times producing the true rage that bubbles inside us all.
You lead the charge into battle and in turn to your teams victory!
Marksmans, primarily known as the ADC, Attack Damage Carry and they arent wrong. Using your support as cannon fodder you stop at nothing to get ahead. Kill stealing is highly looked up on when you play as the Marksman because hey, you need the gold more then they do right?
The early game noodle fights that often occur in the top lane belong to you. However if you manage to play to your strenghs and dominate your lane opponent you transform into a monster that makes the enemy tremble in fear.
Using strategy and combo's only you can master, you wreak havoc on the enemy backlines.