How Well Do You Know These Queens?
How Well Do You Know These Queens?
"Bow down b@#$!*s!"
"Bow down b@#$!*s!"
She was the only female emperor China ever had
This Queen was believed to have obtained a large, all male harem. These men fought to the death in order to spend the night with her and, after a single night of lovemaking, were put to death.
Which African Queen served as patron of the red cross in her country?
Which Queen had previously claimed Elizabeth's throne as her own and was considered the legitimate sovereign of England by many English Catholics, including participants in a rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I known as the Rising of the North?
Who was the most powerful female Pharaoh that Egypt ever saw?
Which Queen had the most controversial love affair story in history, with the powerful Roman general Mark Anthony?
One of the following Queens ascended the throne at only 6 days old, making her the youngest female monarch in history
She deposed the Duke of Russia and became Empress and sole ruler, even though she was German.
She was the last female Pharaoh of Egypt and her 3 year old son was the last known ruler of Egypt before the glory and might of the pharaohs faded into memory.
Which of the following is a fictional Queen?
Which Egyptian Queen was portrayed by Iman in the Michael Jackson music video, "Remember the Time"
Which Queen transcended all norms and became King because Queen wasn't grand enough?