How Many Dangerous Things Did You Do As A Kid?
How Many Dangerous Things Did You Do As A Kid?
It's time to go down memory lane.
It's time to go down memory lane.

Did you ever play with matches?
Did you ever jump from a diving board?
Did you ever play with a tire swing?
Did you ever take candy from a stranger?
Did you ever try to stand on your hands?
Did you ever play with a snake?
Did you ever go alone into the woods?
Did you ever swallow a small toy?
Did you ever run with scissors?
Did you ever take off your seat-belt?
Did you ever tease older kids?
Did you ever climb a tree?
Did you ever play with a pocket knife?
Did you ever play with electrical appliances when you knew you shouldn't have?
Did you ever play with a slingshot?
Childhood Code: RED!
Childhood Code: RED!
You were the kid with a passion for adventure, and a sense for trouble.
You loved playing around with friends and doing new things, but you'd also get into some trouble from time to time.
Although nothing too serious, you've heard your fair share of grown ups shouting at you to be more careful.
You were truly fearless, and that helped you become the brave and calculated adult you are today.
You've had a true childhood, filled with learning experiences, fun times, and some not so fun times, but it was all crucial to you becoming the amazing adult you are today.
Childhood Code: Orange
Childhood Code: Orange
Always first to try new rides, always excited to start a new adventure, but never forgetting the think before you act!
This quality is truly unique and it helped insure that you had a memorable childhood.
You experienced a lot of different things, laughed every day, and through it all, you protected yourself and didn't do any silly things that could endanger you.
You had the perfect combination of a kid's imagination and a grown up's caring nature.
Childhood Code: Green
Childhood Code: Green
Although you loved adventures and trying out new things, you were always mindful and thought about protecting yourself.
You have a few regrets for not doing certain things as a kid and being less cautious, but now, you lead an adult life with no regrets.
You learned from your cautious childhood, and analyzed your lesson.
Now, you love taking on new challenges and risks, but you don't forget to think about how to do them in a smart way.