What Your Sleeping Style Says About You!

This quiz will tell you what kind of sleeper you are while giving you advice and tips on how to more effectively achieve a good nights sleep!

The Dream Team
Created by The Dream Team (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 11, 2016

What's your favorite late night snack?

It's Friday night, where can we find you?

Which sleeping position is your favorite? Fun Fact: According to the Cleveland Clinic, it should take about 10-15 minutes for the average person to fall asleep, if you fall asleep sooner than you're probably sleep deprived.

What's your drink of choice? It can take up to 6 hours for just half of the amount of caffeine consumed to be eliminated from your body!

Naptime? Did you know that taking a short nap can improve your memory!?

It's 2am- you can't sleep, what are you thinking about?

Be honest, which picture best resembles the cleanliness of your bedroom?

The Hibernator

The Hibernator

You are The Hibernator!

Chances are in your free time we can find you catching some Z's somewhere. You love and appreciate your sleep. You are laid back, well rested, and always ready to procrastinate on your studies. Worrying isn't really your thing. Just make sure not to sleep too much, okay? 7-9 hours is all you need. Remember, oversleeping can be just as bad as not getting enough sleep.

Sweet dreams!

If you'd like, here is more information on not oversleeping: http://www.medicaldaily.com/oversleeping-just-bad-you-not-getting-enough-sleep-how-find-happy-medium-360336

For general sleeping tips try, https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-tools-tips/healthy-sleep-tips

The Sleep Lagger

The Sleep Lagger

You are The Sleep Lagger!

According to the Cleveland Clinic (2014) it should take about 10 -15 minutes for the average person to fall asleep. Chances are that you stay up worrying about all kinds of scenarios that will probably never happen. It may take you 30 minutes are more to actually go to sleep once in bed.
You tend to be restless and probably fall asleep with your phone in your hand. PUT THE PHONE DOWN, if you do you are more likely to get a good nights sleep. Keeping your brain engaged on your phone is a recipe for disaster when trying to catch some Z's.
You may also want to try a breathing technique to help calm your body like taking deep breathes counting to 5 on the inhale and exhale. this is a quick way to relax down and get ready for bed.
Sweet Dreams!

Want to know 22 facts about sleep that will surprise you?! https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2014/05/22-facts-about-sleep-that-will-surprise-you-infographic/
For more information and tips for sleeping you can go to, https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-tools-tips/healthy-sleep-tips

The Sleeping Beauty

The Sleeping Beauty

You are The Sleeping Beauty!

Something as gentle as a kiss could wake you up!
You are a very light sleeper and tend to wake up multiple times a night.

Having a bedtime routine could help you! By repeatedly doing the same things before bed your body is taught that it is time to go to bed for the night. You should also set up the best environment for yourself nightly. This may include turning on a sound machine or the fan and assuring the room is dark enough.
You also may be drinking to many fluids before bed causing you to wake multiple times to use the restroom. Try to dial back your intake, according to the National Sleep Foundation it can take up to 6 hours for one-half of the amount of caffeine consumed to be eliminated from your body!
Sweet Dreams!.

Want 22 facts about sleep that will surprise you?! Here you go! https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2014/05/22-facts-about-sleep-that-will-surprise-you-infographic/

For more information you can go to, https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-tools-tips/healthy-sleep-tips

The Night Owl

The Night Owl

You are The Night Owl!

You'll sleep when you're dead!
You're as social and they come and enjoy a good night out with friends! You love to stay up as late as you can because sleep is for the weak and your attention span is quite short!

Did you know that a nap of just 6 minutes can improve your memory according to Stampler at Time Magazine!? You my friend need naps.
Our advice for you is to lighten up on the caffeine, alcohol, and sugary sweets! It will all catch up to you eventually. We aren't asking you to change your ways, just try to smarten up a little for your own sake!

If you drink alcohol, studies show that after five nights of partial sleep deprivation, three drinks will have the same effect on your body as six would when you've slept enough!- Crazy

Want 22 facts about sleep that will surprise you?! Here you go! https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2014/05/22-facts-about-sleep-that-will-surprise-you-infographic/

For more information you can go to, https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-tools-tips/healthy-sleep-tips

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