Which High School Stereotype Describes You?
Which High School Stereotype Describes You?
Do you remember high school? How were your times there? Who did you hang out with during that time? Were you one of those "cool" kids or one of those smart kids? See which one of these cliques you fit into. Take this quiz and find out. For more kwizzes like this and other entertainment visit http://kwizzical.com/testyourknowledge Also please like our facebook page - www.facebook.com/kwizzical
Do you remember high school? How were your times there? Who did you hang out with during that time? Were you one of those "cool" kids or one of those smart kids? See which one of these cliques you fit into. Take this quiz and find out. For more kwizzes like this and other entertainment visit http://kwizzical.com/testyourknowledge Also please like our facebook page - www.facebook.com/kwizzical
Which one would you wear?
How good were/are your grades?
Which is your favorite school subject?
What is your social group like?
Pick One
Were you ever in any leadership position in school?
Did you/Do you do drugs?
Did you play sports?
How do sports sound to yah? Probably great because that's what you were about in high school. You were an athlete that no one else could compete with. Everyone wanted the girls you got. You had a lot of fun in high school.
You are smart. Like REALLY smart. You might not have been the most popular or athletic person out there, but you had a great brain to outsmart everyone else. You might have not had the complete high school experience but you still grew up to become more successful than most people.
You were at the top of the hierarchy. You were smart, good-looking, and athletic ..... and you probably still are. You had everything everyone wants. You might also have been rich. High school was probably really fun for you because you were out there enjoying everything to its fullest.
Your time at high school was however you wanna think about it. Was it good? You had a group that wasn't the most happy one out there but you still had friends. You guys lived the life you wanted to live and expressed yourself in the original way you wanted to.
Having fun was one thing you did a lot in high school. You liked skating and being outside everyday. You were up for an adventure and your skate gang was one you couldn't live without.