What NFL Quarterback Are You?

If you were an NFL Quarterback, Which one would you be?

Kyle Peterson
Created by Kyle Peterson(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 27, 2015

What region are you from?

What is your favorite sport?

What is the most important thing to have as a football player?

Favorite Team?

Favorite Number?

Favorite Color?

What is your greatest strength?

What position would you play if you played football?

What is your favorite state?

Finally... Who is Your Favorite Quarterback?

Tom Brady

Tom Brady

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning

Russell Wilson

Russell Wilson

Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers

Eli Manning

Eli Manning

Drew Brees

Drew Brees

Ben Roethlisberger

Ben Roethlisberger

Tony Romo

Tony Romo

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