Which Elder Scrolls Online Alliance do you belong in?
Which Elder Scrolls Online Alliance do you belong in?
This quiz will determine which alliance on elder scrolls online you belong in. Do you belong in Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, or Ebonheart Pact?
This quiz will determine which alliance on elder scrolls online you belong in. Do you belong in Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, or Ebonheart Pact?

Why do you want to conquer Imperial City?
Where would you most like to explore?
What class would you play?
Why do you want to play Elder Scrolls Online?
Would you be loyal to your alliance?
If you were lost in the Imperial City which direction would you go?
Which races do you like the best?
Last question. What alliance do you want to be put in?
Aldmeri Dominion
Aldmeri Dominion
You belong in Aldmeri Dominion. Along with your Khajiit, Altmer, and Bosmer friends you all hate humans. You think they are unworthy to rule. They're going to ruin Tamriel. Also the addition that Altmer made Imperial City so you guys should conquer...right? You have the heart of the Eagle.
Daggerfall Covenant
Daggerfall Covenant
You belong in Daggerfall Covenant. With the fall of Imperial City you along with your Breton, Orsimer, and Redguard allies lost your trade route. How will you prosper without your trade route. You guys want to conquer Imperial City so you can fix your trade route. You have the heart of the Lion.
Ebonheart Pact
Ebonheart Pact
You belong in Ebonheart Pact. You and your Argonian, Nord, and Dunmer allies guys protected Tamriel from the Akaviri so you feel an entitlement to rule. Plus the Akaviri might show up again so how will Tamriel be saved without the Ebonheart Pact. You have the heart of a Dragon