Are You More Of A Harry Or A Lloyd? (The Ultimate Dumb & Dumber Personality Test)
Are You More Of A Harry Or A Lloyd? (The Ultimate Dumb & Dumber Personality Test)
Are you more of a Harry Dunne or a Lloyd Christmas? Find out!
Are you more of a Harry Dunne or a Lloyd Christmas? Find out!
What is your ideal job out of these choices?
What's your hairstyle?
What's your favorite pick-up line?
What's your favorite song out of these?
What kind of vehicle would you rather drive?
What's your favorite drink?
When you hear the word "shit," what do you think?
What color do you like better?
Where would you like to vacation?
Lloyd Christmas
Lloyd Christmas
You are Lloyd, and you are quite possibly dumber than Harry. You are a hopeless romantic that would do anything to bone the woman you love. Despite your stupidity, you can be surprisingly resourceful. You got some fast cash selling that dead bird to the blind kid, and you managed to escape the wrath of Sea Bass unscathed. Oh, and the way you handed that cop on the motorcycle was impressive. Just watch out for old ladies on scooters and keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure Mary Samsonite will fall in love with you yet!
Harry Dunne
Harry Dunne
You are Harry, and you are dumb. You are a classy and sophisticated guy that gets in like a dirty shirt. You are also an unwitting ladies' man, between your long, flowing hair, your rebelliousness with authorities, your FLAMING hot confidence, and your love for animals. Beautiful women instinctively flock to you like the salmon of Capistrano. Just be careful when you use someone else's bathroom and check that the toilet flushes first!