What ONE Word Encapsulates You?
What ONE Word Encapsulates You?
In ONE word, can we really capture the essence of you? How does it depict how you approach the world? Share your result, and let your friends be the judge- Did we get it right?
In ONE word, can we really capture the essence of you? How does it depict how you approach the world? Share your result, and let your friends be the judge- Did we get it right?
Others tell you, you are?
Which image do you think represents you most?
What motivates you most in life?
In your life you would most like to...?
What leader/artist inspires you most?
Which archetype do you relate with most?
Which animal are you?
You are a fiercely determined being. You also constantly seek to better your world and figure out ways to make your dreams a reality. This doesn't mean you always have the answers; in fact you can easily get frustrated when you can't figure things out. But because of your persistent and steadfast nature, you find a way to solve your problems, come Hell or high water. You have been through your fair share of difficult times, and from an early age you had to learn the skills of hard work and perseverance. When times get tough, you know how to forge ahead, even though it can be exhausting... It is simply in your nature to never give up. Don't undervalue this trait about you- it is incredibly inspiring to others.
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You are a passionate being, not just about love, but about life and in learning new things. You may feel at times like your passion is waning, but don't fret, it is still just as fiery, your tastes may simply be changing. Loved ones and close friends are important to you, and having a romantic partner by your side is definitely something that propels you forward in life. When it comes to your interests, you have a vast array of them, and you love learning about new things. You have an adventurous spirit, and if traveling hasn't been in your life, it will be: it will feed that flame inside of you! You hold tightly to your beliefs, and are also quite the dreamer! Your passion motivates you, but others too, no doubt.
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You are an inspiring being. You are complex, love life (most of the time), and generally see things very optimistically. You can't help but go in the direction of your dreams... And when you get lost, or are in a precarious situation, you find the silver lining, which is what others love about you (and what makes you so inspiring). You've been through your fair share of challenges in life, and can get down, but for the most part you see the beauty in the world and believe in the good in people. Your positive outlook and persistent nature keep you going, and inspires everyone else along the way!
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You are a highly inquisitive and curious being, and love to learn about new things, places, and people. You see the world differently that most... and approach situations with an open and creative mind. You have a passion for travel, because it presents you with tons of new things to learn about. If you haven't yet traveled the world, it is most definitely on your bucket list. There is always someplace new to explore, and while doing so, you can reflect upon and learn more about yourself too, which is equally important to you. The dreamer in you is fed by new knowledge and the persistent nature of you, likes to figure out ways to fulfill those dreams.
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You are a big-hearted and generous person. It is in your nature to make sure your loved ones are taken care of, and feel loved. You are gifted in the ability to see the bigger picture in life, and can't help but believe by the act of love, both you, and others, can make a difference in the world. You have times where pessimism creeps in, but on the whole you are an optimistic and positive person. You truly believe the world can become a better place. You have had a kind heart from a young age, and others are quick to come to you when times are tough. With your compassionate and nurturing heart, others feel truly cared for in your presence and that is by no means a small gift that you possess.
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You are a daring being, and have an adventurous spirit. Your passion is what fuels you, but you are not satisfied by simple things... you like to live life on the edge and feed your adrenaline! You like to see new places and travel, and you most likely have already done a bit of world traveling. If not, it is definitely a dream of yours, and you won't be satisfied until you see some awe inspiring places in the world. In day to day life, you can get bored with routine and the monotony of day to day living. You thrive best from challenges and learning new things. Even when you experience fear, you like to face it, and are gratified when you've overcome what initially scared you.
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You are a creative thinker and being, and have unique perspectives on life. You may not be creative, classically, and paint or make fine art. You do, however, have a way of finding unique and out of the box ideas to solve problems and approach a variety of topics. On the other hand, you may indeed be in touch with your artistic side, and make music, or dabble in an artistic form of expression. You are open-minded, a bit of a dreamer, tend to have lofty visions, and thrive when you are able to let your ideas flow freely. You have a colorful imagination, and if you aren't utilizing this part of your personality, it's time to let it out and cultivate your creative side that you were undoubtedly born with!
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