Which John Green Heroine Are You?
Which John Green Heroine Are You?
Get excited for the new Paper Towns movie by finding out which John Green leading lady you are!
Get excited for the new Paper Towns movie by finding out which John Green leading lady you are!

How would you describe yourself?
Choose a Green brother:
Choose a flower
How would you like to spend your weekend?
Choose your favorite season:
Are you up for adventure?
Do you see the glass half empty or half full?
Hazel Grace Lancaster
Hazel Grace Lancaster
Hazel from The Fault in our Stars is a cautious and conscientious girl, who throughout the book always put others interests first, wanting to make sure the least amount of people are hurt by her death possible. Like Hazel, you find yourself putting up barriers between you and others, creating distance and not letting people get close for fears one of you may leave the other hurt. However, you find that you're also capable of great love and spiritual peace, and you truly understand what it's like to live with no regrets.
Alaska Young
Alaska Young
You're Alaska from Finding Alaska, a force of nature. You're outspoken and driven by your emotions above all else. Like Alaska, you have a strong sense of independence and devotion to those you care about, though your friends have a hard time fully figuring you out. You're a complex enigma of a person and you're doing your best to get through life and navigate through a course of psychologically challenging obstacles.
Margo Roth Spiegelman
Margo Roth Spiegelman
You're Margo from Paper Towns. You find yourself constantly vigilant and conscious of how you do or do not fit into molds of a conventional lifestyle. You crave adventure and mystery, and you constantly impress others with your strength and intelligence. You're a force to be reckoned with, and you do revenge better than anybody else.
Lindsey Lee Wells
Lindsey Lee Wells
You're Lindsey from An Abundance of Katherines! You know the importance of keeping an open mind and leaving things up to fate. You're this strong character because you know how to best follow your heart on all matters. There's nothing set in stone in this world, and you know that better than anyone. You feel like you always should "keep going and not stop" ever.