Would You Fight Or Flight?
Would You Fight Or Flight?
The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically. So are you a fighter or a flighter?
The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically. So are you a fighter or a flighter?
Would you say you are passive or aggressive?
Someone tries to steal your bag. What do you do?
Your friend ruined a dress she borrowed from you. How do you react?
You break the coffee machine in work. What do you do?
You are offered a million dollars to do a skydive...but you have a deadly fear of heights. What do you do?
You have an assignment due for tomorrow and you are not even nearly finished... How are you feeling?
Which of these options do you relate to best?
Your friend is being bullied right in front of you... What do you do?
You are a fighter!
When you enter a stressful situation you body reacts in a way that produces adrenaline. This adrenaline in turn makes you fight back at the situation. Whether it is standing up for something you believe in, chasing a robber down the street, helping a friend or owning up to a mistake that you made, you are extremely strong willed and people understand that about you in your direct approach to life. You have very strong morals, you know what you want and the friends that you have remain extremely close to you due to your openness, honesty and integrity.
You are a flighter!
When you enter a stressful situation, your body reacts in a way that natural judgment is also turned down and more primitive responses take over. In this case, you tend to back away as a reaction to a stressful event. You are an extremely cautious person and have a naturally caring and protective nature. You can sense if something is not good for you, or if you are not in a safe environment, and it is in your reflex to avoid any situation that could lead to danger, confrontation or stress. This is reflected in your life, with your loved ones understanding that you will also care for them if ever they are in need.
Freezing often comes before fight or flight kicks in. Freezing gives you time to assess the situation and, if necessary you may then take further action, including fighting or backing away.
You like to take your time with making decisions. You don't tend to make rash or hasty decisions without thinking about it first. You focus better by taking a step back and assessing the situation before you react to anything. This is reflected in your day to day life. You lead a successful life because of the well thought out and logical decisions that you make. The friends you have are very close and loyal to you, as you are able to filter out any negative people and influences around you.