Which Love Actually Couple Is Your Love Life Most Like?
Which Love Actually Couple Is Your Love Life Most Like?
Obsessed with the film? Love all the characters? Find out which love story is most like yours this Christmas!
Obsessed with the film? Love all the characters? Find out which love story is most like yours this Christmas!

Which of these describes your partners most?
What is most important in a relationship?
What would a typical Christmas day be like for you?
Pick a love interest?
What do you consider most embarrassing in a relationship?
You are in a relationship and you know your partner is cheating, what do you do?
Where do you tend to meet your partners?
Where do you like to go on dates?
Describe your own attitude towards a relationship?
David and Natalie
David and Natalie
Your love life is most like David and Natalie in Love Actually! You often find yourself making awkward conversation and getting nervous in front of the person you like - somehow your legs turn to jelly and you forget all your words. You tend to meet people in close environments like the workplace and it takes you ages to build up the courage to ask someone you like out on a date. Once pressure has been building up for a while, you usually end up taking that giant leap of faith, only to discover it wasn't as difficult as you feared all along.
Jamie and Aurelia
Jamie and Aurelia
You don't overthink relationships and tend to get swept away in the romantic love story. You love the adventure and spontaneity of being with someone different and this is what encourages you to take great risks and do anything to be with that one person. Moving country, learning another language or leaving your job, you would do it all at the touch of a button if it was for forever lasting love!
Colin and the American girls
Colin and the American girls
You are always looking for a new adventure in your love life. You're all about going with the flow, trying new things, experimenting in every way possible. There are no boundaries in your love life and your spontaneous nature is what attracts people to you. Just like Colin, you are open minded and love a no-strings attached relationship at this point of your life!
Body double couple
Body double couple
You are sincerely looking for love in your relationships, but you're not actively seeking it out, preferring instead when friendships blossom into affection naturally. It might take you a while to make the first move, but you're confident that when it happens, it will always be for someone genuine, sweet and really who you actually care about.
Sarah and Karl
Sarah and Karl
Life can sometimes get the better of you and sometimes you feel like you're missing out on certain love interests due to your busy schedule. Because you're a little anxious, you tend to think about the future and over-analyse things. You need a partner who understands your hectic lifestyle and is patient enough to fit around your various demands. Meeting people might seem tricky at times but once you let your guard down, the road to happiness is easy and smooth sailing.
Juliet, Peter and Mark
Juliet, Peter and Mark
You're the kind of person who somehow always attracts countless unrequited admirers. Your glowing personality and sweet nature means that people often mistake your friendship for something else - which can get annoying! Fortunately, you are strong and know your own mind, and with so much practice in it, you are now an expert in letting down people gently.