Which Crystal Are You?

Which crystal do you embody most?

Alexis Landon
Created by Alexis Landon (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 22, 2015

Which most describes you?

What do you try to do for others?

How would your friends describe you?

Which chakra are you most connected to?

Which do you feel is your spirit animal?

Dream job?

What is something you've always wanted to do?

What kind of parent would you be?

What do you enjoy most?

What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

Which color are you most drawn to?

Which quote do you most identify with?



You most embody Amethyst! Amethyst encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It promotes love of the divine. Amethyst opens awareness and facilitates out-of-body experiences, helps dream recall, and assists visualization. A natural tranquilizer, Amethyst blocks stress and negative environmental energies. Harmonizing the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and linking them to the spiritual, it purifies all those who hold it. This stone has a sobering effect on overindulgence and overcoming addictions. Beneficial to the mind, it calms or stimulates as appropriate, helping to feel more focused, assisting assimilation of new ideas, and connecting cause with effect.



You most embody Malachite! Reputed to protect against evil spirits, this stone is a powerful cleanser for the emotional body, releasing past-life or childhood trauma. Life is lived more intensely under the influence of Malachite. It shows what is blocking your spiritual growth, drawing out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, breaking unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaching how to take responsibility for you actions, thoughts, and feelings. Malachite's convoluted patterns assists in receiving insights about yourself and your environment.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

You most embody Rose Quartz! A stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is the most important for healing the heart. This beautiful stone promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. Rose Quartz is the finest emotional healer. Releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation, opening your heart so that you become receptive. Rose Quartz teaches you how to love yourself and encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth. This stone draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. Holding Rose Quartz enhances positive affirmations, the stone then reminding you of your intention.



You most embody Citrine! Citrine is a powerful cleanser and regenerator that carries the power of the sun; this is an exceedingly beneficial stone. It's energizing and highly creative. It absorbs, transmutes, and grounds negative energy and protects the environment. It is particularly beneficial for attracting abundance. Encouraging sharing what one has, it imparts joy to all who behold it. Citrine reverses self-destructive behavior and assists in acting on constructive criticism. It promotes inner calm, allowing your natural wisdom to emerge, and helps you move into the flow of feelings and become emotional balanced.



You most embody Azurite! Azurite has long been used to guide psychic development and increase metaphysical powers. It raises consciousness to the highest level, facilitates a meditative channeling state, urges the soul toward enlightenment, and controls spiritual unfoldment. A powerful healing stone and energy conduit, Azurite challenges your view of reality, releasing programmed belief systems so that you move into the unknown without fear. Drawing out emotional debris and ancient fears, it cleanses the emotional body and brings about inner peace.

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye

You most embody Tiger's Eye! It is said Roman soldiers wore an engraved Tiger's Eye to protect them in battle, and it is still used as protective stone. Tiger's Eye deals with issues of self-worth, self-criticism, and blocked creativity; and is needed for people who are spaced out or uncommitted. Facilitating assertion and anchoring change into the physical body, this stone assists in recognizing talents and faults to be overcome and supports an addictive personality in making changes. Tiger's Eye supports integrity and assists in accomplishing goals. It differentiates between wishful thinking and what one really needs, and assists in recognizing other people's needs.



You most embody Obsidian! Having no crystalline structure, Obsidian has no boundaries or limitations, working extremely fast with great power. Obsidian's greatest gift is insight into the cause of disease. Mercilessly exposing flaws, weaknesses, blockages, and disempowering conditions, nothing can be hidden. Impelling growth, it lends solid support. Providing deep soul healing, Obsidian goes back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma carried forward into the present, bringing depth and clarity to emotions. Obsidian forms a shield against negativity, providing a grounding cord from the base chakra to the center of the earth. Obsidian brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and constricting beliefs but makes it absolutely clear what lies behind mental distress.

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