Blazing Saddles Quiz
Blazing Saddles Quiz
Are you a Blazing Saddles super fan? Take our quiz and find out.
Are you a Blazing Saddles super fan? Take our quiz and find out.
Created by LifeDeathPrizes (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 2, 2016
1 / 12
In what year is Blazing Saddles set (for the most part!)?
2 / 12
What language does Gabby Johnson speak?
3 / 12
What is the name of the character played by Madeline Kahn?
4 / 12
What year was Blazing Saddles made?
5 / 12
What logo is on Sheriff Bart's saddlebags?
6 / 12
The Waco Kid goes by what other name?
7 / 12
What's the name of the town?
8 / 12
Name this character.
9 / 12
The Waco Kid killed more people than who?
10 / 12
What is Sheriff Bart's limit on Scnitzengruben?
11 / 12
Can you name the Governor?
12 / 12
Why did the Waco Kid retire from gunslinging?
Questions left
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