What Skittle color are you
What Skittle color are you
Find out if you are blue, green, or more of the Skittle colors!
Find out if you are blue, green, or more of the Skittle colors!

What is your favorite hobby
What is your favorite TV show?
What are you feeling right now
Have you ever committed suicide
Do you have a hard time in school
Choose the most appealing one to you.
What most describes you
Blue Skittle
Blue Skittle
You are sensitive and are highly careful. You try to get people to be nice. You feel like you might cry when something is sad around you or if you are let down by someone you either trust or not.
Green Skittle
Green Skittle
You have to know facts!! You don't read fantasy or maybe mystery but sometimes, you red NON FICTION!! You help people understand confusing problems by explaining.
Orange Skittle
Orange Skittle
You are a trouble maker. you are mostly a bully (or not if you judge people for who they are.. SHUT UP!!) Anyway you can not sit still for more than a minute. You talk too much and distract other people.