12 Things That You'd Understand If You Grew Up Pagan

For everyone who was raised in a Pagan and/or Wiccan household. I have a lot of things in this list for people who grew up as both. BE AWARE THAT I DO TALK ABOUT CHRISTIANITY. I promise that I do not believe Christians are lesser than Pagans, or that their beliefs are any less meaningful or sacred. I do not bash them or their religion. If something I say makes it seem that way, I do apologize. We are all equal, and want the same thing: peace, love and acceptance. This is not intended as a playground for I

Lior Annabelle Lewis
Created by Lior Annabelle Lewis (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 20, 2015

The media's awful representation of Wicca and Paganism

Pagans have for centuries been depicted as evil, non-human satanists. Not much has changed. It's hurtful, inaccurate
and INCREDIBLY annoying! But then there were those times when you WISHED certain things were true, like flying on a broom and never having to clean your house. All you'd have to do is wave a wand! But since we are just people like everyone else, that doesn't happen.


You were told never to speak of it to others.

It was the "family secret". Your parents or legal guardians didn't want you to be discriminated against. And depending on where you lived, it was a real possibility, and a real danger to yourself and your family.


When people came over and you had to hide all your Pagan stuff

"What's THAT?!"
"Why do you have a book on advanced witchcraft?!"


When you "came out" of your broom closet

You got the courage to tell your best friend. Expecting the absolute worst response, you waited in agony just to get it over with.
And with good responses, YOU were usually the one most surprised.


When you wanted to express your Pagan self, but felt like you couldn't.

Everyone else gets to wear their crosses proudly while you tucked your pentacle inside your shirt, awaiting the day when you thought you could show it off like everyone else you knew could show theirs.


Your friends just had UNO cards, you had tarot cards.

As a child it was normal to see your parent or whoever you grew up with laying out Tarot cards on the bed, floor, table, etc. And chances are, you probably had more than one deck of them, and of various kinds.


"So are you Christian or Catholic?"

SOMEBODY HAD to have asked you this or questions like this at least once. And if they did, they were confused when you said neither. They maybe asked you if you were Jewish or something else, but I'm sure Pagan and Wiccan were the last things on their mind.
"So are you Pagan or neopagan?"


When people saw pagans as scary

Witches in storybooks, witches on TV, and that green kid at the door next to you on Halloween night, claiming to be a witch. Sometimes it made you feel bad. Sometimes you'd just roll your eyes. Eventually you got used to it, but it never went away.


When people thought Christmas and Easter were TOTALLY Christian.

You just wanted to tell them they didn't get the whole picture. Way back when during the time Christians were trying to convert Pagans to Christianity, they altered Pagan holidays to make them Christian. Nobody is necessarily "right" here, but you can't honestly tell me an evergreen adorned with ornaments and lights, Yule logs and the lyrics in Deck The Halls are ALL about the birth of Jesus.
Also, what has a rabbit got to do with Jesus? If you can provide an explanation that is entirely Christian, I would be happy to hear it. I'm open to new information. But that does not make me any less Pagan.


Fear of losing friends

Heaven forbid the secret got out, because you feared that people wouldn't like you based on your spiritual beliefs.


Feeling like the only young Pagan on Earth.

Perhaps you weren't around any Pagan children and teens. When you got to your teens, you questioned if the "Pagans" you met really practiced and believed, or if they were just saying that to be "cool".


Your mom was super unashamed about sex, which made your adolescent years especially awkward

Maybe you were like your mom. If you felt uncomfortable with your parents, about sex, or about both, this was a big deal for you. Some Pagan moms are less modest than others, but I'd assume all pagan moms on some level feel okay about expressing their sexuality.
She may have encouraged you to express your inner man/woman and talked endlessly of the wondrous feminine energy in all of us, had the talk with us early on, and was perfectly honest about it.

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